Friday, January 11, 2013

Wait, Bernie Mac is dead?!

2008 - Wait, so Bernie Mac is dead? One of the Kings of Comedy. How did no one tell us about this? Dude dies at 50 and there wasn't a big concert on TV to benefit whatever he died from?

Bernir Mac BannerPneumonia!? It had complications with his what?! Sarcoidosis?! What the h-e-double hockey sticks is that?

So you're telling me that Bernie Mac, Frank Catton from Ocean's Eleven, is dead and no one told The Skillet?!

A hilarious dude who was in Friday and Booty Call dies, and it doesn't make national headlines? What the F*** is wrong with this country? Okay so, because Don Cheadle was at his wedding I'm supposed to feel better about this?! F*** YOU!

So wait, just to verify, Chris Rock's older brother in Head of State, Buster from How to be a Player, and Bernie Mac from The Bernie Mac Show is dead?!

This sucks.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

There is actually enough time in the day, Scientists discover

UTAH - Days. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em!

For decades people have made claims that days are not long enough. Many people have taken up formal complaints with their computer monitors and spouses about the lack of time they seem to possess. But scientists in Utah have just discovered that there is exactly the right amount of time in a day.

"Some people might feel like their days go by too quick, so they think they have less total time in their day than they would like," says Utah resident Karl Malone.

The scientists recorded and studied an entire day of 200 participants' lives in a recent study that lasted 24 hours. Their results were astonishing. John Stockton, the Principal Investigator of the project, has provided us the recap:
"We double-blinded the participants and how their day was to be measured. The result was 100 observed occurrences of day duration equaling 1440.00 minutes, and 100 equaling 86400.00 seconds (SD=0.0, V=0.0). Then we compared our findings with Wikipedia's definition of a day , and it turned out to be accurate. There was in fact enough time in their days."
 With any major scientific breakthrough comes the harsh realization of what's really reality.

"Realistically, we know we have enough time, we just don't want to deal with the fact that we aren't managing our time to our contentment. Our anxiety and stress lead us to hyperbolize our own inadequacies, using days as the scapegoat. Our should I say, scape-day! Ha!" believes Utah social scientist Jeff Hornacek.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Skillet comes dangerously close to posting on its work Facebook account

Hagel in the news making readers hungry for bagels

PENTAGON - The announcement of Senator Chuck Hagel's upcoming appointment as the new Secretary of Defense is expected to have several major consequences. A drastic reduction in military spending, major changes in foreign interventions, and millions hungry for bagels.

"All I can think of is getting a bagel with cream cheese, lox, and salmon every time I hear the name Hagel. The name Hagel is way too close to bagel!" said one very Jewish Time reader.

Speaker of the House John Boehner is infuriated. "It's almost lunch time! And all everyone in America can think of is bagels! This is anarchy!"

Presses have ceased printing articles with Hagel's name, at least until after lunch. But for now, The Skillet wants a Defense Secretary Everything Hagel with Pesto.