Sunday, May 19, 2013

'Lady of the Night' now means Female Ninja

BOSTON - With women's rights moving in a positive direction, many tired sayings have been put under the social knife and slowly castrated. Who just cringed? I know I did.

One such saying being 'Lady of the Night', which is one of the more confusing movie plots you can read on Wikipedia, but more pertinently is a synonym for a prostitute. Now the saying is going for something a little less derogatory and more badass.

"Feminists agree that women need to start referring to each other as ninjas a lot more. It really promotes an element of badassery that is lacking in the collective identity of women," says Gene Simmons (not the musician), a party leader in the underground caverns of Worldwide Women Domination planning.

Referred to as kunoichi female ninjas are trained in ninjutsu similarly to men. The vital difference being specialized training in using their additional orifice.

The literal translation of kunoichi being "nine plus one", with the plus one referring to the vagina.

"Yes, so the idea of a female ninja using her vagina as a weapon sounds not too different from a prostitute. We understand this. But we are okay with the idea of a women taking control of the night, using all of her faculties to partake in traditionally male pastimes such as espionage, assassinations, and sabotage."

So move over Norma Shearer, Lucy Lui is the new Lady of the Night. Is that racist and sexist? The terminology is too new to really know for sure.

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