Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Scientists discuss creating real Incredible Hulk

BOSTON - Yesterday after a long fruitless search for a Hepatitis C vaccine, local Boston medical scientists began discussing the plausibility of creating a real Incredible Hulk. "You know like the one from the comic books that Ed Norton played," needlessly added one kiss ass Harvard Medical student.

The discussion was sparked after Massachusetts General Hospital researcher and Harvard Medical School professor Dr. Raymond Chung was questioned for creating a hepatitis C vaccine that is "unethical". The frequent road blocks in the quest for an appropriate vaccine has made the allure of a new and mostly irrelevant Hulk, Incredible Vaccine now referred to as HIV, utterly irresistible.

"There's no reason why we couldn't do it," says Chung. "We have enough knowledge and resources to develop it - BOOM supply! All we need is the demand - BOOM! Who doesn't want a Hulk Vaccine?" With that bout of economic logic the conference of journalists and researchers all agreed that a Hulk Vaccine would indeed be "Totally awesome".

Lawyer Domenic Paolini, left, and Dr. Raymond Chung spoke.
A couple stiff critics with forgotten or nonexistent childhoods asked, "What practical usage could the Hulk Vaccine provide?" This question was met with a roar of laughter and teasing by the medical community, even those not present at the conference. Dr. Chung easily refuted this argument by suggesting, "What practical usage doesn't a Hulk Vaccine provide? Nerd!"

"Well what if your wife is one of those moods where she's being a complete torpedo bitch. Just destroying everything in her path on her way to you? It would be great to just Hulk out and roar at her. You know, just so she calms down and you can escape. Then you could totally say, 'Sorry honey I was Hulking out' and she'd have to be cool with it." added one researcher who wanted to remain anonymous for obvious reasons.

As various sounds of agreement filled the room, the discussion persisted until it was decided that a Hulk Vaccine would be the new top priority for medical science. Though some scientists mentioned that this may look like a really weird cop out of finding a Hepatitis C vaccine, those scientists were slapped, called rats, and repeatedly offered cheese until they shut their mouths.

The conference will reconvene next Tuesday with a live clinical trial on local steroid users.

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